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Colin - 7816
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In Spirit we trust
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Love and Relationships Career and Bereavement
Tarot, Intuition, Angels
Clairvoyant and Clairsentient
Compassionate, gentle
Colin is a psychic medium who works with the tarot to bring forward clear messages for you. Areas covered include Love and Relationships Career and Bereavement I have previously trained as a bereavement counsellor. I work with my Guides to bring you the clarity you need in your life. I trained at the World famous College of Psychic Studies in South Kensington where I continue to further my knowledge and experience taking Tarot with Avril Price and Mediumship with Anthony Kesner. I work in a freelance capacity and am also a Holy Fire Reiki Master.
Colin is an experienced professional psychic medium, tarot reader and healer. After training at a well-respected London College, he has worked to bring clear messages to his clients via his strong connection to his Guides and Angels, including on platform in Spiritualist churches; specific angel readings are also available on request. Colin is also a Holy Fire Karuna Reiki master. His readings are always given in the highest Love, presenting the truth clearly and compassionately.
What do you most like about giving readings to Clear Psychics clients?
My experience has been that clients can find a way forward through Spirits guidance that is fulfilling, illuminating and empowering.
How would you say you are typical of your star sign Gemini?
I am expressive and communicative.
What would you say to someone who thinks they may have psychic ability?
Find someone who you can trust and develop them in the Light. Allow your abilities to shine the World needs Light Workers right now!
Colin is an experienced professional psychic medium, tarot reader and healer. After training at a well-respected London College, he has worked to bring clear messages to his clients via his strong connection to his Guides and Angels, including on platform in Spiritualist churches; specific angel readings are also available on request. Colin is also a Holy Fire Karuna Reiki master. His readings are always given in the highest Love, presenting the truth clearly and compassionately.
What do you most like about giving readings to Clear Psychics clients?
My experience has been that clients can find a way forward through Spirits guidance that is fulfilling, illuminating and empowering.
How would you say you are typical of your star sign Gemini?
I am expressive and communicative.
What would you say to someone who thinks they may have psychic ability?
Find someone who you can trust and develop them in the Light. Allow your abilities to shine the World needs Light Workers right now!
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